Sunday, January 3, 2010

Separating Solutions and the Salty Sea

Why is the sea saltier than rivers?

What is desalination?

What do the Salton and Aral Seas have in common?

What environmental problems do they have?

It is widely believed that the term "salary" was derived from the Latin word for salt. Based on what you read in this article, why might this be true?


  1. The sea is saltier that rivers beacauser rivers salt isnt concentrated since it moves the sea evoparates and whats left is salt.

    Desalination is when salt is removed from water to make fresh water.

    The Salton and Aral sea are both very salty seas.
    The reason they have enviormental problems is the are so salty almostnno organisms can live in them.

    This might be true beacause people can make alot of money of salt
    -Zack Emrich

  2. 1. The sea is saltier than rivers because in seas, the salt is actually concentrated and the water evaporates but the salt doesn't

    2. Desalination is when salt is removed from water to make freshwater.

    3. The Salton and Aral seas are both extremely salty

    4. There are environmental problems because the lakes are so salty, almost no organisms can live there.

    5. The reason this might be true is because people are able to make a lot of money off of salt

  3. 1. The sea is saltier than rivers because in seas, the salt is actually concentrated and the water evaporates but the salt doesn't

    2. Desalination is when salt is removed from water to make freshwater.

    3. The Salton and Aral seas are both extremely salty

    4. There are environmental problems because the lakes are so salty, almost no organisms can live there.

    5. The reason this might be true is because people are able to make a lot of money off of salt

  4. 1- Sea water is more saltier than rivers because water evaporates and leaves salt behind and lakes can even be more saltier then the sea because it has no outlet

    2- the removal of salt from water

    3- the Aral and Salton have extremely high levels of salt

    4- The problem they have is that no amimal or organism can depend on these sea's due to the level of salt

    5- possibly true because salt has been selling for thousands of years

    -Colin Eaton

  5. 1. once in the sea soluble substances are concentrated and while the water evaporates the salt is left behind.

    2. the removal of salt from the water.

    3-4. salinity at near fatal or fatal level for sea living organisms.salinity levels that are still on the rise.

    5. i belive that the word salery is derived from the latin word for salt because in some desolation plants they use heat to form fresh water. this meathed is very costly.

  6. 1. The ocean is saltier because the sea water evaporates, leaving the salt behind. Over millions of years the salt piles up causing the ocean to become more salty than the rivers that flow and eventually dump into the ocean.

    2.desalination is the removal of salt from water.

    3. the Aral and Salton seas both have high levels of salt in the water. environmental problem is that the salt levels are so high animals cannot live there.

    5. salary's latin form is salarium which means salt money. The people in the article also traded salt.

  7. 1)The sea is saltier than rivers because it is more concentrated and while the water in the ocean evaporates, the sea doesn't.

    2)Desalination is when salt is removed from water to make freshwater

    3)Both seas are very salty.

    4)The problems they have are that no organisms can live in the water because of the high levels of salt.

    5)This reason might be because people who sold or sell salt make a lot of money from it.

  8. 1. The sea is saltier than rivers because, once in the sea, soluble substances become consentrated. The sun's heat evaporates the sea's water, leaving the salt behind, and so seas become saltier and saltier over time.

    2. Desalination is the removal of salt from water.

    3. Both the Salton and the Aral Sea are salty, both have negative human-caused enviornmental effects.

    4. It is too salty for animal life to survive.

    5. Because just like lakes get more salt, salaries grow?

  9. 1 the sea is saltyer because the water is more concentrated.
    2 desalination is when salt is removed from the water to make it fresh.
    3 both the Aral and Salton seas have high levels of salt.
    4 they have problems because no plants or animals can live in the water because its so salty.
    5 this might be true because people can make lots of money from salt.

    - piage zuckerman

  10. 1. sea water is more salty because when water evaporates from the sea it leaves behind salt and over time the amount of salt increases.

    2. desalination is the removal of salt to from water to make freshwater.

    3. both seas have a high amount of salt.

    4. The problem is that no animal or organism can live in the seas because the water is so salty

    5. this could be true because people can and have made a lot of money by selling salt.

    -Paul Plunkett

  11. 1. The ocean leaves back salt when it evaporates
    making the sea more salty than the rivers.

    2. Desalination is the removal of salt from

    3. The Salton and Aral seas have high levels of

    4. The environmental problems are that no
    organisms are able to live in the seas

    5. People earned salaries and made a living by
    trading salt

    - Matthew Kalhofer

  12. 1. Seas are concentrated so the water evaporates leaving only the salt and in the rive it takes the salt.

    2.The removal of salt from water

    3. Salton and Aral have very high levels of salt

    4.No organisms can survive in the seas due to the salt content.

    5. I think true because people can make a lot of money from selling salt because salt is used in a lot of things

    Riley Miller

  13. 1. The sea is saltier than rivers because soluble substances are concentrated in the sea.
    2.Desalination is when salt is removed from saltwater to make freshwater.
    3.The Salton and Aral seas both have large amounts of salt.
    4.The problem the seas have, is that the seas are so very salty, it is hard for orginisms to live in them.
    5.This could be true because people have earned money off of salt.

  14. 1. The sea is saltier that rivers because when water evaporates from the sea the salt is left behind and is more concentrated.
    2. Desalination -- the removal of salt from water.
    3. The Salton and Aral Seas both have very high salinity levels.
    4. The word 'salary' could have been derived from the latin term for salt because salt is a rather valuable substance, and in the past, possession of things like these could be considered a type of wealth.

    --Megan Riley

  15. 1 the sea is verry salty because the water is more concentrated.
    2 desalination is when salt is removed from the water to make it fresh it is removed by evaporation
    3 both the aral and salton seas have lots of salt in them
    4 they have problems because no plants or organisms can live in the water because its so salty
    5 this could be true because people can make some of money from salt

    Alex Leach

  16. 1. the seas are more saltier than rivers because it is more concentrated.
    2. desilination is when salt is romoved from water to create fresh water.
    3. both the arol and the salton seas have high percentages of salt found in them.
    4. They have problems because no plants or any sort of organisms can live in the salty water.
    5. This might be true because most people use salt in everyday use and will then realize how important salt it in there everyday lives. And a salary is an important thing to most people throughout the world.

    --Rees Tillotson
